ACC, Payroll & Employment.
Did you know we have an ACC, Payroll & Employment Expert?
April is our resident ACC specialist, PAYE & Employer expert, which includes full bureau services for many of our clients. This includes preparing wages, filing PAYE Returns, preparing customised employment agreements, providing advice on employees performance issues, reviewing annual ACC levies & advising clients on various employment issues, advice on employment issues and changes in employment and tax legislation.
ACC Services
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is essentially a tax-payer funded insurer that provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand. Businesses contribute funds (called levies) based on wage costs, the type of insurance policy (cover) and the type of industry (classification).
As a significant and mandatory cost to running your business, it is important to get the right advice and support. Reduce stress and save time by ensuring your industry classification is correct and up-to-date by speaking to our ACC specialist. Get peace of mind by knowing you have the right type of cover for your business and your employees, whilst saving money by ensuring your ACC cover doesn’t overlap with existing insurance cover.
ACC CoverPlus Extra is a great option for business owners who are self-employed.
Employment Services
For many businesses attracting and retaining a good team member is one of the biggest challenges as well as being one of the most significant investments. Handled well, a good team will increase your productivity, sales and profitability. As a member of the Employers and Manufacturers Association we have access to a range of facilities and resources covering key employment documents, employment guides, education and training programmes. These tools ensure you get the best up-to-date information and advice. Employment services can help you by teaching you to understand how to create well planned and articulated job descriptions. Improve your performance management by understanding the rules avoid the pitfalls and understand how to safeguard your investment by creating effective, fair employment contracts. Keep on top of your obligations by regularly reviewing employment contracts and understanding changes to regulations and legislation, but get the reassurance of professional advice.
We provide a range of tools and support to help you drive productivity:
Customised employment contracts.
Customised job descriptions.
Advice on managing performance issues.
Legal referrals to manage complex employment disputes.
Payroll Services
The Benefits of Managed Payroll
Research shows that in-house payroll costs twice as much as outsourced services. As specialists in payroll and managing finance we have processes in place to optimise efficiency and prevent costly errors. We use sophisticated software integrates time and attendance records, leave entitlements and deductions to support the preparation of wages and PAYE.
You can still be hands-on, with the ability to update your employee payroll information online or by email. As well, we have up-to-date knowledge to keep you on top of legislative changes.
We provide a detailed service to take care of payroll, so you don't have to worry.
Set up online payroll services.
Maintain time and attendance records.
Maintain sick and holiday leave entitlements.
Maintain and manage deductions including IRD, child support and WINZ.
Prepare wage and PAYE payments.
Advice on employment issues and changes in employment and tax legislation.