Chartered Accountants. Business Advisors.

Kerikeri | Kaikohe | Kaitaia
As one of New Zealand's top thirty accountancy firms, we work hard to provide clients with excellent professional advice & service. We are the Far North's largest independent firm & our top priority is creating resilient, successful businesses that drive economic growth & opportunity for families.
Accounting is no longer the sole domain of bean counters and those wearing business suits and glasses. Technology has turned accounting on its head. And rightly so. Anyone can download robust reliable software to support their business and lifestyle.
And it doesn't stop there - technology continues to evolve. Software developers keep coming out with new tools that can do everything from reconciling bank statements through to remotely managing a sales force. Now imagine taking that ever-changing technology and combining it with years of hands-on business smarts - that's a recipe for peace of mind, financial freedom and business success.

But don’t take it from us.
Take it from our clients.

We work with clients across the North.
Our Kerikeri Office
10 Fairway Drive, Kerikeri 0230
Monday – Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm
09 407 7117
Our Kaikohe Office
2 Clifford Street, Kaikohe 0405
Monday – Thursday
8.30am - 4.30pm
09 401 0991
Our Kaitaia Office
101 Commerce Street, Kaitaia 0410
Monday – Thursday
8.30am - 4.30pm
09 408 1220