Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure.
Do you want to reduce uncertainty in your tourism, hospitality or leisure business?
Our specialist Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure team works with tourism operators, café owners, restauranteurs, clubs and accommodation providers. Use this page to find articles, advice and ideas to run a sustainable, fulfilling business.
How do I manage my cashflow when sales are impacted by COVID and seasonality?
What do I need to consider when taking on seasonal team members?
How do I reduce my expenses without reducing my service levels?
Get the balance right.
Being passionate about your tourism, hospitality or leisure business is great. Well known for being labour-intensive and demanding, the challenge is ensuring you spend enough time working on the business, as well as in it.
Have a 12 month plan for all ‘departments’ within the business and share it with your team.
Ensure all team members have the right training and support, at the right time, to set them up for success. This will also keep them motivated and engaged.
Encourage team members to ‘step up’ by delegating tasks and clearly communicating expectations.
Establish team ‘tool box’ or ‘mini meetings’ to address daily issues and opportunities.
Take steps to manage risk.
All businesses come with risk as a result of weather, regulatory, political, economic and social shifts. Tourism, hospitality and leisure organisations can thrive and be sustainable with the right approach to risk:
Embrace change - it is constant so doing the same thing indefinitely is not sustainable.
Know how your business is performing in real time (using technology) and use this insight to continually refine your operations.
Understand your customers’ motivations and research future needs. Evolve or develop products, services, pricing strategies and sales channels to meet future needs.
Don’t have all your eggs in one basket. Have a variety of products and services. Have a few price points. Have different sales channels. Have more than one target market. Have some large and small customers. Have a variety of suppliers. This will ensure you are never fully exposed to risk.
Stay informed. Your education is never finished. Take a business course, connect with your industry network and read widely so you anticipate and are prepared for change.